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Terms and conditions


The survey report will be issued for the Client's exclusive use. It may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Permission in writing to the Surveyor will be required to release any or all of the report to another party and remain the intellectual property of the Surveyor, Copyright@keeysurvey 2025. A written report with photographs will be prepared in a PDF format. This can include access online to the pictures taken on the day by agreement. A standard report will be produced within five working days of the inspection after a thorough visual examination of the hull, machinery, systems, rigging, hardware, and equipment as per the survey type requirement or specialized request. It will be submitted in good faith, without prejudice, and constitute a description of the vessel's condition at the time of survey. Determination of inherent design and stability characteristics is beyond the normal scope of a non-destructive marine survey. The survey report is not to be considered an inventory or a warranty, either specified or implied, and will not express or guarantee the future condition of the vessel. Notwithstanding the above clause, if the Client proves that the negligence caused the loss, damage, delay or expense, gross negligence or willful default of the Surveyor/Consultant aforesaid, then, save where loss, damage, delay or expense has resulted from the Surveyor's/Consultant's act or omission committed with the intent to cause same or recklessly and with the knowledge that such loss, damage, delay or expense would probably result, the Surveyor's/Consultant's liability for each incident or series of incidents giving rise to a claim or claims shall never exceed a sum calculated on the basis or ten times the charges applied to the services offered here within.The purpose of a survey inspection is to determine, insofar as possible within limitations of visual and physical accessibility, through non-invasive / non-destructive means, the condition of the subject vessel’s structure, systems, cosmetics, levels of compliance with currently applicable mandatory and voluntary standards, and other industry standards and commonly accepted marine practices. The survey is based solely on a careful visual inspection of all accessible portions of the vessel’s structure and available equipment. The following items may have been referred to in this report. The International Rules and Regulations for the prevention of collision at sea. The current BVI government requirements for a vessel or registered BVI vessel. The United States Code and Code of Federal Regulations applicable to US-registered vessels are applied where appropriate. The American Boat and Yacht Council, along with the voluntary Standards and Practices for Small Craft, also published by ABYC and some of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) where deemed applicable. These provide some of the reference bases for our recommendations where relevant. This will be noted when compliance with a standard cannot be readily determined. Insurance underwriting standards vary and may or may not be known to us. The surveyor shall have no liability for consequential damages by third parties, no liability for third-party personal injury, no liability for property loss damages due to third parties, nor liability for punitive claims, all of which shall be deemed to have been knowingly and voluntarily waived upon the use of this survey report. The report is privileged and confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Persons who are not identified (named “the client”) are hereby advised that any dismemberment, distribution, or copying of the report is strictly prohibited.Only the external condition of readily visually accessible items, plumbing, through hulls, electrical wiring, connections, and system installations were inspected. No attempt was made to perform a complete analysis of the boat’s systems or stability. It would require disassembly with tools and removal of fastened panels of the structure to gain access to the components such as integral fuel tanks or factory-built-in buoyancy. Opinions are recorded as recommendations, findings, and listed comments, which can involve other expert opinions or actions. The client is advised to seek all or any external sources required as raised by the final report. The noted items are graded by importance, A through to C. ‘A’ graded items would require attention or action to fulfill insurance or under writer or legislated safety requirements ‘B’ graded items require future action or are highly recommend; ‘C’ graded items are recommendations for information of the client.While all due care and diligence have been exercised in collecting data for and preparing this report, Keeyacht Services (Keesurvey) purports to provide an advisory service only based on the opinion and experience of the individual consultant responsible for its compilation. Keeyacht Services issues such advice in good faith and without prejudice nor guarantee.

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